Create a class for your Dialog.
public class OK_Message extends JFXDialog { private StackPane Container; private JFXDialogLayout Content; String DialogText; String Headline; JFXButton btn; public OK_Message( StackPane Container, String Headline, String DialogText ){ this.Container = Container; this.DialogText = DialogText; this.Headline = Headline; }Now Create your dialog content. First of all create headline of your dialog.
private Label HeadLine(){ Label l = new Label(Headline); l.setFont(new Font(18)); return l; }
Create Main text or the message.
private GridPane Body(){ Label l = new Label(DialogText); l.setFont(new Font(14)); GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(8); GridPane.setConstraints(l, 0, 0, 1, 1,
Priority.ALWAYS, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); grid.getChildren().addAll(l); return grid; }
And create a button and add action, so that when user clicks on the button, your dialog will go away..
private JFXButton getButton(){ btn = new JFXButton("OK"); btn.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> { CloseDialog(); }); btn.setStyle("-fx-background-color:#006666"); return btn; }
private void CloseDialog(){ close(); }
Finally create the dialog layout.
private JFXDialogLayout getDialogContent(){ Content = new JFXDialogLayout(); Content.setHeading(HeadLine()); Content.setBody(Body()) Content.setActions(getButton()); return Content; }
Now your dialog is ready. Create a public method to use the dialog whenever you need.
public void ShowDialog(){ setDialogContainer(Container); setContent(getDialogContent()); setTransitionType(JFXDialog.DialogTransition.RIGHT); show(); }
Now use this dialog whenever you need to show a message.
Dialog.OK_Message message = new Dialog.OK_Message((StackPane)app_setup.getParent(), "Message", "Changes will be affected after restart."); message.ShowDialog();
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